Monday, November 10, 2014

Mary Kay Mary Kay Mary Kay!

Happy la bulan ni. Sebab? Mary Kay dapat banyak sambutan. Ramai yang tanya pasal produk ni dan ada beberapa orang juga yang terus purchased. Jumla sama2 kita dapat kulit yang sihat dan cantik :) yeay Happy me ^_^

Batch 1 order! Ada lagi batch 2 tengah menunggu sampai. Alhamdulillah. Yang lain belum yakin lagi rasanya atau belum bersedia untuk mencuba. But it's ok, jangan tunggu lama2 nanti lama lagi kulit nak sihat. So lets try now! :D 

Okay, ni baruuuuuu! Jimat sangat RM40 ja dapat one set color! wow wow wow! Lipstick tu pula limited edition okay. Semi- Matte! Sesuai untuk yang tak suka glossy :)

Easy Eye Color Effects

MAKE EYES LOOK BIGGER by using a shimmery eye color as a base over entire eyelid. Focus darker eye color to the outer third of the eye, blending it a little past the outermost crease of the eye. Extend eyeliner a little past the outer edge of the lashline.
MAKE EYES LOOK BRIGHTER by applying a shimmer white shade, like Crystalline mineral eye color, to the browbone and eyelid. Wrap the color around the inner corner of the eye to the inner third of the lower lashline.

RM40 only!

If you're interested do contact me 

011-1907 2886
Qistina Amira Binti Idris